Member since
January 2020
On-time repayments
30 installments • 60%
I am Agnes Chepkorir from Bomet County and I am businesswoman.I do business in our nearby town. I started doing business in the year 2016.I have been happy with my business because the business have assisted me in so many different ways like feeding my family and paying School fees for my Children. Since I borrowed the loan from Zidisha, my business has been gradually growing that make my customers very attractive.
I am doing business in Our nearby town within our location . My source of income is through my business which it has helped me acquire my needs and also assist me in paying School fees for my children and to pay the loan .Thank you.
I am overjoyed with you zidisha for giving me a chance to boost my living of standard. I will use the loan expand my house because my business has grown.I Will also use the loan to finish paying the land I had paid some amount, after paying the land I will use the loan to build rentals houses.The total cost me $2000.I will be greatful as you support me.Thank you.
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Oct 11, 2022
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