Tangerang, Indonesia
$0 to go
100% funded of $200 goal
days left
Member since
March 2016
On-time repayments
29 installments • 0%
Name: Yeni handayani__Alamat: Cluster of palm city block A1 / 11 Jl.Rayakedaung west utan teak Rt.06 / 03 Sepatan eastern district of Tangerang regency Banten__ttd: Jakarta November 4 1979__Suku: Sunda__Kewarganegaraan: Indonesia__Agama: Islam__Satus: Menikah__Hobi: Road street and make a cake
I am the mother of two children I work in a private company, because of economic necessity is not sufficient although my work, I want to try to do business on the side by trying the culinary business is a hobby, especially in the field of food and beverages, especially me tertaris do business with the meal byproduct called PUDDING
Initial Capital: Operational Rp.2,070,000__Biaya raw materials: Powder __ that the various color: cornstarch Rp.30,000__Tepung: Rp. 6,000__Susu Liquid: Rp. 63,000__Gula Sand: Rp. 10,000__Sirup cocopandan: Fresh Rp.17,000__Buah: Rp.20,000__Pewarna food: Rp.20,000__Tabung Gas 3 kg @ 17.000x 2: Rp. 34,000__Biaya plastic packaging (Moulds) Rp.200,000__Biaya transportation: Rp.170,000__Kulkas / Frezer: Rp.1,500,000
Show original Bahasa Indonesia
Nama : Yeni handayani
Alamat : Cluster palem city Blok A1/11 Jl.Rayakedaung barat utan jati Rt.06/03 Kec Sepatan timur kabupaten Tangerang Banten
ttd : Jakarta 04 November 1979
Suku : Sunda
Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia
Agama : Islam
Satus : Menikah
Hobi : Jalan jalan dan membuat kue
saya ibu dari 2 anak saya bekerja di perusahaan swasta,karena kebutuhan ekonomi saya tidak mencukupi walaupun bekerja, saya ingin mencoba untuk berbisnis sampingan dengan mencoba usaha kuliner selain hobi terutama di bidang makan dan minuman ,apalagi saya tertaris berbisinis sampingan dengan makan yang bernama PUDING
Modal Awal : Rp.2,070,000
Biaya Operasional bahan baku :
Bubuk agar aneka warna : Rp.30,000
Tepung Maizena : Rp. 6,000
Susu Cair : Rp. 63,000
Gula Pasir : Rp. 10,000
Sirup cocopandan : Rp.17,000
Buah Segar : Rp.20,000
Pewarna makanan : Rp.20,000
Tabung Gas 3 kg @17.000x 2 : Rp. 34,000
Biaya kemasan plastik ( Cetakan)Rp.200,000
Biaya Transpotasi : Rp.170,000
Kulkas / Frezer : Rp.1,500,000
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 12, 2016
Repayment status
Projected term
6 months
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