Member since
July 2015
On-time repayments
148 installments • 61%
My name is Edward Dodoo, l was born in 9th December,1989. l come from Denkyire in the Ga west district of Greater Accra Region. l started schooling at Tantua International School in Dansoman. From the year 1994 to 2002 and went for my Senior High School from 2003 to 2006 at Apostle Safo School of Arts and Sciences, in which l studied General Arts. After completion l offered a course at the IPMC school of technology and IT to study software engineering for two years. Afterwards l entered into business with my senior brother. My best hobbies and pastimes are football and music. I have played soccer teams like Peace Stars Football Club, Zai football Club in which l was the captain from the Under 14 to Under 17 sides. I later joined a Church football club.
l started doing business with my senior brother in book publishing and distribution, together we have been able to build up a group of suppliers which we supply our books to every year, normally from the month of September to December. Apart from this, we have also entered into supplies of goods such as plastic chairs,stationary for schools and others. But at the moment l have been give a department in order to start doing business on my own for which this loan is very important.
This loan will help to increase my purchases for the supplies. These supplies are in high demand. The stationary I want to buy will cost $95.00 and it will help me to supply more to my customers.
I will be making about 75% profit which I will reinvest into the business for growth.
l will use the loan as a add up.The amount $200 is the exact amount l need to add up and also help to have another agent to help improve the new business.Moreover l expect my profit base to improve than before.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Dec 9, 2016
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
17 months
Other loans
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