Member since
November 2020
On-time repayments
25 installments • 68%
I am isaiah joy, from rivers state. I am the second daughter of my parents. I am a hardworking woman with a vision. I work hard each day to make life easier for me in the future. I love faithful people around me.
I have a shoe business based in aba umuahia in abia state. Its a very lucrative business here in aba, because people can easily aford a quality second hand shoe both for adults and children. My dream is to expand it to wholesale level.
I joy lsaiah onyekachi want to use this loan to transport my good from Onitsha to aba abia state from there being to sale my shoe both men .children and ladies
Yes many bus face risks in the current economic climate but my one business is doing well in the current economic climate risks is only GOD is see thorough with GOD all things is possible thanks
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 9, 2021
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
6 weeks
Other loans
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Margaret Mar 7, 2021
Varia Feb 26, 2021