Member since
June 2021
On-time repayments
16 installments • 69%
My name kufefia victor. I attended my primary school at Kade where I stayed with my mother in law. Now am staying with my own father at asuom. I have two other siblings.
I bake bread. I started by going to those that bake bread, collect from them to bake but now I have decided to sell the bread and bake myself at the same time and I plan to supply to the surrounding villages
I do bake bread and also collect bread from other fellow business men to sell. So when it happens that I don't have I collect from others to bake bread now I need to buy flour to make bread since I have some stock already
Jun 25, 2021: Buy flour to bake bread
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Aug 13, 2021
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