Member since
April 2014
On-time repayments
334 installments • 78%
Wilberforce Meki Oyiengo was born in 1976 and a resident of Rosterman. I went to Madende primary, Madende secondary and did my diploma in Architectural at Weco college of applied science and technology.
I am the first born in a family of six.
I started a small business of buying and selling second hand household goods since I was not able to acquire a Government job.
The business includes sale used household goods like Television sets, Refrigerators, Furniture, Microwaves, radios. clients find it affordable to purchase some of this good that they cannot afford to get them while new due to high prices. The business sustains my family being the only source of income.
I sell second hand house hold goods. This is after I realized many people prefer buying goods at a reduced price than going for a new one.
My source of income has been contributions from relatives, my own savings and borrowing loans from financial institutions like banks which charged high interests that posed a challenge to me.
I buy house hold goods from people who expose them cheaply to solve financial challenges elsware and in turn sell them to others, sometimes i may repair before selling them at fordable price. for example a used up 21`` television is bought at 8 dollars. Then I sell at 12 dollars, while a new is sold at 20 dollars. other goods sold at the same price earns good money.
I buy and sell used goods like machines, households, and motor vehicles. If get this loan I am applying will be able to buy the motor vehicle on my profile which is costing 5000 dollars ,although I had already deposited 80 dollars.
This vehicle if well fixed by the cost of 100 dollars, will be sold at 800 dollars at list, and this will help get more used cars, which will be pushing me closer to my dream of having a car bursar, thank you in advance.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jul 15, 2016
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
12 months
Other loans
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