Member since
January 2021
On-time repayments
34 installments • 29%
I am Isaac Kyei and I am thirty four years old and I am married with three children. I am from the Ashanti region and I live with my at Esereso Adagya. I like farming, attending cultural festivals and like learning from the others.
I am a refrigerator repairer and that is what I do for a living and also a block layer as my part time work on the weekends. I have been repairing fridges for so many years and this work has been taking care of myself and my family and that's where I get my income source from.
Please i want to request this loan to buy fridge motors for my refrigerator repairs works and it will help me to speed up my repairs works.
Once i am a man, i always makes sure i do make some savings and the family support is also there and i will pay the loan
Mar 10, 2021: Myself at my work place
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Feb 16, 2021
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
1 week
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