Member since
August 2016
On-time repayments
234 installments • 43%
I grew up in a rural-urban environment since my home is about 12km to the capital city Nairobi.I well fit in both rural and urban lifestyles.
I believe in hardwork ,honesty and focus.I also believe in God and that Africa can rise up to middle economy in my generation.
I am a growing property developer and earn income through leasing.
I want to grow gradually with Zidisha and finally construct rental houses which are in high demand this end.
I want to give my children (3) great education.
With positive mind and vision sky is my limit.
Ever since joining zidisha I have never relented. I started from poultry to green grocery business.
After I acquired my last loan I managed to open my company Resmmiq Services and switched gears to construction material supplies.
My dream is to grow and become a big contractor in Africa.
Thanks to zidisha.
If granted this loan I shall be able to increase my capital base up to 150% and equally increase my profit from 80 USD to 120 USD.
This will be a great turnaround in the upkeeep of the family.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Dec 20, 2017
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
4 months
Other loans
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