Umuahia, Nigeria
100% repaid
Member since
May 2021
On-time repayments
48 installments • 46%
I am Ugwu Paul.E. from Enugu State.I have interest in farming cassava and processing of cassava. Because with cassava we can get flour, ethanol,gari,starch and animal feed. I also teach rural farmers modern agricultural practices as it relates to cassava farming and processing. My wish is to have a cassava processing factory, where I will employ people and train young people in South East of Nigeria.
My business is cassava farming and cassava processing factory. From one hectare of I can earn #150,000.00 net profit after processing monthly.If I expand I will earn more.thanks.
This project will go a long to help,in figthing hunger and employment.I will deposit for harmer mill.Pay for labour for weeding and clearing of my 5 hectares of cassava farm.Also,I will process some quantity of cassava tubbers into gari and fufu,to enable me pay for the loan.Thanks for your concern.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Aug 2, 2021
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
6 weeks
Other loans
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