Member since
August 2022
On-time repayments
6 installments • 33%
My name is called Josephine Mensah. I am 55 years old. I am marriage. I have given birth to six children's. I come from Ghana. I am a trader. Am hardworking mother.
My main business is charcoal selling. I have a good customers who support me with my business she will bring a full car of charcoal and request for half payment and give me one month to pay the remaining balance. I have done this business since 15 years now and I have been able to support my family from the income I incurred from it.
will use my loan to buy more charcoal to sell within my community in order to meet the demands of my customers
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Aug 9, 2022
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