Member since
November 2016
On-time repayments
22 installments • 73%
I was born and brought up by both parents in kisii county.I went to birongo primary school and later joined Nyariacho high school. My mother is a business woman and she's the one who introduced me to business.wish my kids to be successful business men when they grow up.thanks a lot and hope you will help me to achieve my dreams.wish you all the best in every thing you do.
I own my own shop where I spend most of my time doing business.I am into buying and selling of new and second hand clothes.this services are important because clothes are basic needs. We cant do without clothes. I use my profit to grow my school fees and buy food for my family.I would like my kids to be businessmen when they grow up.This business has helped me a lot and I intend to open another shop soon.
I will purchase more stock for my clothing business.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Dec 13, 2018
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
1 week
Other loans
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