Member since
October 2021
On-time repayments
10 installments • 40%
I am the third born of my parents and college graduate . I branched into entrepreneurship to help me become independent and to help others especially my siblings. I entered into computer hardware to help me sell products online to help myself.
I chose this business looking at the demand of goods from remote settlers and others
I develop website , sell computers and repair them as well . I chose this field because of the peoples demand and the trend of technology in this era.
After sales , i reinvest the cash back into the business again to increase my products and services.
I want the loan to support me in buying accessories for sale. Most times it is less expensive if purchased in bulk. It will help me to get more item to support my works.
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Oct 17, 2021
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