Lusaka, Zambia
$0 to go
100% funded of $542 goal
days left
Member since
February 2021
On-time repayments
78 installments • 53%
John Banda is a persistent forward looking entrepreneur who believes in the slogan"the best is yet to come.
John Banda trading through Nesher Enterprise generates income through a diversified income stream.Presently, lam in self employment. Nesher Enterprise provides mobile money services,sells small packs of charcoal and general supplies.
We continually need to increase inventory levels and product mix. Having a diverse text books portfolio can boost sales. There are several publishers approved by the Curriculum Development Centre. A good book reseller ought to have books from nursery to Senior Secondary. Gadsden Books are the country distributors of Oxford Press books and we are their reseller. Oxford Press has two book streams; 'Let's Do' for both lower and upper primary and 'Progress' books for junior and senior secondary. Simply put, books are from pre grade to grade twelve. In the lower primary section, there are twenty book subjects. While upper primary has twenty one subject. The junior and senior subjects are in excess of 50. This then means ones has to reasonable funding to avoid customer turn down due to none availability of stocks.
Other publishers include; MK Publishers, Squirrel Book Centre, ZEPH, Maiden Books, Marvel and Mukosa Publications. As stated earlier on, this then demands that book sellers should have a reasonable showcase material from each publisher. This funding request will assist to facilitate procurement from various publishers.
Jun 22, 2021: John banda home office
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 16, 2023
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