Member since
September 2012
On-time repayments
76 installments • 95%
My name is Erastus Wakugwa Kamau. I come from Kahuho centre, Nakuru County where I reside. Kahuho is approximately 19 Km from Nakuru Town on your way to Nyahururu where you aright at Maili Saba and take a murram road towards St, John Primary School then Karunga trading centre then Kahuho Centre. You ask for Erastus. I am married and a father of 5 children and am a farmer.
I have 1 ½ acres of land whereby ¾ acre I have planted Ovacado fruits and a fruit tree nursery. When I harvest ovacado fruit I get a total of about Kshs. 70,000 and a fruit tree nursery gives me a profit of approximately Kshs. 100,000. In total I get an annual income of Kshs. 170,000. I have got livestock which gives me an income of about Kshs. 50,000 per year
When given this amount of money i will use it to expand my business of the agrovet shop; Kshs. 30, 000 will be used in buying of animal and poultry feeds, Kshs. 20000 will be used in buying of farming chemicals and pesticides, Kshs. 40,000 will be used in buying of seeds and fertilizers this being a planting season in the region and the rest will be used to cater for the transportation of the items to the shop.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jun 8, 2015
Repayment status
Projected term
11 months
Other loans
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