Nairobi, Kenya
100% repaid
Member since
December 2015
On-time repayments
255 installments • 85%
I grew up in a humble background in a family of five. I went to school at my nearest village primary school, where I did exceptionally well and joined a provincial level high school (Meru school), which currently has been converted to a national school. After my high school education, I began CPA (certified public accountant) classes before joining Kenyatta University to pursue a bachelor's degree in economics and finance. I am now awaiting graduation in the field of economics and finance from Kenyatta University.
Entrepreneurship as always been my driver to overcome hardships throughout my college life. I could buy clothes in large quantities and sell them to students, making a significant profit to facilitate my upkeep at the university. I started my daily farming business during my last long vacation at the university. My motivation was the financial hardships. My finance source was working in a milk production company for those few months.
In my culture people are less innovative because of plenty of food. Due to increased food insecurity in the entire country, alternative sources of income will soon become a necessity in the region, and with this forecast I decided to practice my entrepreneurial skills and start my own business. Currently I have no children, but I believe that I will grow to have a promising future come that time.
My hobby is research: I always spend my leisure time raising problem statements and business ideas to ascertain my next most viable venture to undertake besides dairy farming.
My business is dairy farming: I have two dairy cows. From my business I am able to sell milk, a commodity which has a very high demand in the market because many households have migrated to the town ("rural urban migration") and milk consumption by these households have increased, calling for more milk production by dairy farmers to sustain this overwhelming demand for milk. I choose this kind of business because I noticed there was a high shortage of milk in the market.
During my industrial university attachment, I worked in a milk processing industry in the field of internal audit. I discovered that every morning the CEO urges the employees to help the industry acquire higher milk intake from farmers due to idle machinery that could not get enough milk to process 24 hours a day. I decided therefore I could start daily production and advance it in the future to large-scale farming in order to enjoy the advantages of economies of scale and also supply raw milk to the industry.
My typical costs are costs of artificial insemination, concentrates, fodder, labour, and veterinary services of treatment. My greatest source of revenue is milk selling. I also sell accumulated manure that remains after I have used some on my fodder. I use the profits to increase my business by reinvesting it back in business and registering for my Certified Public Accountant examinations.
I will expand my zero grazing [business] from 3 cows to 5 cows to increase the number of dairy cows and milk productivity. This will increase the level of profits that I receive in a day. The cost of expansion is 500 dollars.
I grew up in a humble background family of five i went to school in my nearest village primary school where i did exceptionally well and joined a provincial level high school.
(Meru school) which currently as been converted to a national school. After my high school education i began CPA (certified public accountant) classes before joining Kenyatta University to pursue bachelor of economics and finance. Am now a first class honours graduate in the field of economics and finance from Kenyatta University and i have also completed my CPA (Certified Public Accountant) examination . Entrepreneurship as always been by driver to overcome hardships throughout my college life. I could buy clothes in large quantities and sell to students making a significant profit to facilitate my upkeep in the university. I started my daily farming business during my last long vacation in the university my motivation was the financial hardships. My finance source was working in a milk production company for those few months. In my culture people are less innovative because of plenty of food. Due to increased food insecurity in the entire country alternative source of income will soon become a the region and with this forecast i decided to practice by entrepreneurial skills and start my own business. Currently i have no children but i believe that will grow to have a promising future come that time. My hobby is research i always spend my leisure time raising problem statement and business ideas to ascertain my next most viable venture to undertake besides dairy farming.
My business is dairy farming i have seven dairy cows. from my business i am able to sell milk a commodity which as a very high demand in the market because many households have migrated to the town "rural urban migration" and milk consumption by these households have increased calling for more milk production by dairy farmers to sustain this overwhelming demand for milk. I choose this kind of business because I noticed there was a high shortage of milk in the market. During my industrial university attachment I worked in a milk processing industry in the field of internal audit. I discovered that every morning the CEO urges the employees to help the industry acquire higher milk intake from farmers due to idle machinery that could not get enough milk to process 24hrs a day. I decided therefore I could start daily production and advance it in future to large-scale farming in order to enjoy the advantages of economies of scale and also supply raw milk to the industry. My typical costs are costs of artificial insemination. Concentrates, fodder, Lab our, and veterinary services of treatment. Greatest source of revenue is milk selling. I also sell accumulated manure that remains after I have used some on my fodder. i use the profits from business to increase my business by reinvesting it back in business.
I will expand my zero grazing from 3 cows to 5 cows to increase the number of dairy cows and milk productivity this will increase the level of profits that i reaceive in a day. The cost of expansion is 500 dollars.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jul 13, 2017
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
12 months
Other loans
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