Member since
December 2016
On-time repayments
203 installments • 86%
I loved music as a kid. am a graduate of uds. After university sound engineering was in mind so I fellowed my passion from home with my personal saving. I live in a culture where our elders wants to always be seen a right.
My kid have not decided yet but i see her becoming a nurse. I love to take a walk when am less busy.
As a sound engineer I also have an entertainment spot where I organise events. Every week end people want to relax and enjoy themselves and that is what I provide to them. I choose this business because I love entertainment.
The cost of my business is often power and gadgets or public address system.
The profit is mostly for reinvestment and my upkeep.
It my intend to use the loan for the extension of the floor for entertainment. It will cost me 930 doller. My floor is currently small and can't take larger numbers making the floor always too full and others do not get space.
The more the space the more profit I would be making from the events organisers. I expect an increased in profit.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Sep 25, 2017
Repayment status
Projected term
43 months
Other loans
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