Member since
July 2016
On-time repayments
69 installments • 77%
Am Hinneh Amankona. With this I planned to join those in fitting and mechanics .we always say 'a down fall of a man is the end' meaning I will always look forward but never fall. i proceed to to go and learn from them and am steel a learner but iwant equipment to work.The work will let me be in higher place.
.In the community full of work and so many cars motto bicycle and more. so if am done or become a master am going to establish one in my community and employ more and educace quality and good quantiry in my community to reduce unemployment. I owill account for in next months. I will be graduated to establish my own mechanics shop
Please this loan will help me to pay my school fees and also me in my financial situations. In all I will use 70% and 30% for school fees and books and palmflet respectively in my education to bright my future.thanks the team for their support.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Oct 28, 2017
Repayment status
Projected term
7 months
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