Member since
August 2012
On-time repayments
333 installments • 56%
I come from Nakuru/Nyahururu I concentrate in farming and the proceeds are used for home improvement and payinng for education fees for my two grand children who live with me.The farming business has bee doing fine but at the moment things are not good but we hope for better tommorow
I am farmer I rear dairy cattle, currently I have three cows and 1 calf that is about to mature, I grow crops like Cabbages, Potatoes, Kales and tomatoes, in our 2 acres plus other 2 acres that I rent, which produce about 120 bags per year that is 360000 per year , wheat two acres which produce 100 bags per season which I sell 3500 per bag that is a total of 350000 per year. I also keep dairy cows which produce 30 litres per day @ 32 per liter that is 27000 per month and about 300000 per year so the total annual income is about 100000 per year. I use the amount to pay for my bills boost my business and buying fodder for my cows.
First I would like to thank Zidisha and all the lenders for my first loan which assisted me great deal. In my second loan, I am intending to expand my farming activity by an increase wheat farming to about six acres and then work towards Tomatoes farming particularly on the second season after harvesting the wheat. I would wish also to buy sprinklers and expand the pipes in my homestead from the piped water that I already have to ensure that I will be able to water cash crops within my homestead during dry season that we are just about to experience. Usually I take advantage of this water that is not available to many by storing as much in my water tanks and then using it to irrigate tomatoes, kales and maize that I already have such that by January, I always have something am taking to the Market. I completed construction of cows shed which has gone long way in reducing feeding cost using my first loan. I am confident that this will also be a success. Once again thank you all the lenders and Zidisha family
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Oct 20, 2013
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
22 months
Other loans
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