Nkonya, Ghana
100% repaid
Member since
March 2016
On-time repayments
188 installments • 59%
I went to school at Christ The King Complex School. I made better grades and went on to a higher education. I work in a very reputable government sector and with my savings I set up my own shop in which I sell consumable goods. Consumers buy from
my shop.
I mentor new members. I love to read much when I am at home.
I sell consumable goods. Selling of these consumables in my locality, where a lot of people pass by and live, makes it easy for my sales.
I entered into selling of these consumable goods so to make a good savings and to extend my shop in the future and also to build my financial foundation.
I will spend GHS 2,300.00 to purchase these consumable goods for the selling. I expect to get GHS 200.00 a week.
I will continue to make savings. I intend to invest some day to come.
I humbly request for the amount of $511.00. I will buy goods worth $500.00.
This is the breakdown:
Four bags of sugar cost $80.00
Two units of milk cost $90
Twenty cartons of canned beef cost $100.00
Ten cartons of tinned tomatoes cost $100.00
Twenty bags of tissue cost $100.00
Twenty cartons of toilet soap cost $130.00
These goods will be used to stock my shop to meet the demands of my consumers. I will also benefit from the sales to extend my savings; some will go into extension of the store to make space for many goods. I will have people to be the shopkeeper, so it gives them employment.
I plead with all honorable lenders over the world to assist me in getting the money for these goods. I am very grateful to all lenders for making the decision to help me. Thank you!
I went to school at Christ The King Complex School.
I make a better grades and to a higher education.
I work in a very reputable government sector and with my savings I set up
my own shop which I sell consumable goods.
Consumers buy from
my shop and new members.
I love to read much when I am at home.
I sell consumable goods.
Selling of these consumables in my locality where a lot of passes by
live, makes it easy for my sales.
I entered into selling of these consumable goods, so to make a good
savings and to extend my shop in the future also to build my financial
I started with GHS5000.00 to purchase these consumable goods for the selling.
I expect to get GHS200.00 a week.
Profit from the sell will be invested into the expansion of the shop to stock with more items. I intends to invest some day to come.
I humbly request for the amount of $511.00
I will buy goods wealth $600.00
These are the break down;
Four bags of sugar cost $80.00
Two carting of milk cost $90.00
Twenty carting of canned beef cost $100.00
Twelve carting of tin tomato cost $100.00
Twenty bags of tissue cost $100.00
Twenty carting of toilet soap cost $130.00
The rest $89.00 will come from my salary from the work I do in the government sector.
These goods will be used to stock my shop
to catch the demands of my consumers.
I will also benefit from the sells to extend
The savings, will go into extension of the the store to make space many goods.
Will have people to be shopkeeper, to give them employment.
I plead with all honorable lenders over the world to assist me get the money
for these goods.
I am very grateful to all lenders in making decision in helping me.
Thank you!
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 1, 2017
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
13 months
Other loans
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