Member since
November 2010
On-time repayments
41 installments • 39%
am 32 years old married with one lovely three year old boy. i would like to improve my life economicaly by expanding business.
my business located at Wanyororo Nakuru North district, involve a cyber cafe, photocopying machine, printing service and laminating of documents. currently my business is located near a goverment office hence good business. i want to revamp my outlet to cater for the customers demand. information communication technology popularly known as ICT is being used by each and every one neccesitation funds to uplift my business with the latest and efficient machines.
Having established my cyber i already have alot of customers. however some of the computers have broken down interfering with my business. I therefore intend to replace the broken machines so that i can be able to serve every customer as he/she arrives without asking them to wait for the one using the computer to finish because this discourages them and some go away.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jun 2, 2012
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
12 months
Other loans
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