Member since
March 2012
On-time repayments
84 installments • 24%
I am married with 2 children who are all schooling. I live in Kiptangwanyi shopping center which is about 43km from Nakuru town. I live in plot number 12A. I have a cereals shop in the shopping centre. My y cereals shop is known by many of my customers and thus this makes me to consistent customers in my business. I am able to purchase cereals in large quantities and as well as sell the same to my customers in large quantities. I also supply cereals in neighbouring shopping centers such as Kongasis, Jogoo and Munanda.
My business entails the sale of cereals in the shopping centre. The business is marketable and the demand for these product that I sell is very high within this area. The main challenges that this business are poor transport, drought and high prices of commodities that is usually accelerated by drought. This area of Kiptangwanyi is a semi arid area and sometimes the climate becomes so harsh such that nothing does well. At this time the business is usually negatively affected and the revenues goes down. Sometimes there is shortage of water which also highly affects the business. I hope that the loan that I will get from Zidisha microfinance will make me be able to improve the situation of my business.
I am thankful to you lenders for allowing me to post another loan application on Zidisha website. I am doing well in my cereals business and the loans that I have been getting from zidisha have enabled me to improve my business alot. Nowadays I am able to purchase large quantities of cereals and this has been very good for the business. I will use this loan to purchase two motorcycles that will be very essential in transporting cereals from the interior to the shopping center.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Oct 16, 2013
Repayment status
Projected term
69 months
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