Member since
April 2012
On-time repayments
80 installments • 21%
I was born in 1976 in Rongai town where my parents used to stay. I was educated in Gogar primary school from 1984 to 1992. After completing the primary school, my parents took me to a dress maker who trained me in dress making for 1 year. When I completed the course I was employed for 3 years after which I
was married and I started a business of selling second hand clothes. We have blessed with 2 boys.
The business of selling second hand clothes known as mutumbas is what doing and it pays because I am able to pay store rent, revenue to government and keep my stock coontinue.
ntinue improving. My business is just opposite Rongai post office. Along post office ave.
i will uses the loan that i will get to add more stock on new upcoming grade clothes since this coming month is the most profitable month of the year which i want to use it in many ways such as i will also bring new clothes from outside the town also i will also more to more sophisticated room so as to allow my customers to see variety of clothes compared to the room am in now the remaining money i will use it transportation of the new clothes from nakuru yo rongai where my business is located.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Oct 29, 2013
Repayment status
Projected term
66 months
Other loans
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