Improve my grocery to help me pay my nursing school fees


Tenwek, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

June 2014

On-time repayments

42 installments  •  69%

About Me

NURSING IS A CALLING!I am aspiring to be one.I am a 21 year old christian lady in my 2nd year of study at Tenwek Mission Hospital per-suing a diploma in Nursing.I come from a very humble background and my parents have a huge burden to meet our needs for our upkeep and studies.I have younger siblings who go to school as well.My wish is to have a source of income that will help me give a helping hand to my parents with our upkeep money,bus fare,lunch,accommodation and even school fees for my siblings.

My Business

I have set up a small grocery store near the lower hospital gate at Tenwek Mission Hospital.@ years ago when I joined the hospital,I saw the huge need for fresh fruits and vegetables here.My immediate market is the hospital staff,the doctors,nurses,patients,visitors and even students.Some of the doctors and nurses are expatriates o Caucasian origin and they love fresh quality fruits such as bananas,apples,oranges,sukuma wiki,spinach and a local indigenous fruit that they love so much called ISAGEK.I buy my fruits and vegetables for Ksh2000 or USD22per day from the nearby Silibwet market.I sell them for about ksh2500 a day or USD30.I make a profit of Ksh500 or usd30 per day.I pay the lady that I employed and remain with something small.There is competition but my clients prefer mine because I am so hygienic,my goods are fresh and quality and my prices are competitive.The challenges I have is capital to improve my stock and structure.

Loan Proposal

Since my last Zidisha loan,my business has grown exponentially.My customers and income has risen by 40%,however I still face some challenges.That is why I am seeking for a new loan.
I am appealing to my lenders to support me raise this money.I will spend it as follows: As i said earlier I use a semi-permanent structure that is affected by adverse weathers, I will give it a facelift.I will use KSH 4000 or 45USD to rebuilt it.I will buy new iron sheets and rebuilt the roof and the walls so that my goods remain fresh and safe.I will spend KH2000 or USD23to hire someone trustworthy to work for me.This will ensure the shop does not get closed anytime.I will hire someone needy or one of my siblings who are jobless so that i help create a job for them.I will use the remaining ksh 9000 or USD105 to get more stock.I will stock more fresh and varied vegetables.I wil also buy a variety of fruits including apples,oranges and bananas that do not run out of stock from my grocery.I will keep ksh 1000 or 11USD for miscellaneous and any other emerging requirement.
that is how I will spend the money you will lend me.God bless you,I undertake to repay all the loan in time.Thank you for making my dream come true.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 12, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks



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