Member since
April 2012
On-time repayments
57 installments • 16%
I am 50 years of age married blessed with 11 children 7 girls and 4 boys. I manage to reach standard seven of primary education. My parents could not afford taking me to secondary school so I was forced to join the casual labourer in order to earn my living. From that hand work, I managed to raise amount which enables me to start a small business of selling plastics products which is commonly used in our homes like basins.
As I have said, I started selling plastics products and now I have done this business for more than ten years. It helps me in paying of school fees for my children and other life needs..
In fact the money given by you in previous was helpful to me as it has uplift my business from retail to whole sell.To these amount,i will manage to hire the items in large quantities and travel from Nakuru to Nairobi our Capital city on my own instead of sending someone.The amount of K.E.S.80,000 will be used to purchase basins,water tins,plates,spoons,plastics cups used in ceremony.The remaining amount will be used in transport.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
May 30, 2013
Repayment status
Projected term
48 months
Other loans
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