Member since
November 2020
On-time repayments
25 installments • 40%
My name is Peter Shawa. I live in Chipata. I am married with three children, one boy and two girls. My wife is a teacher and I am a businessman. Our house is along Umodzi Highway.
I order sugar and cooking oil from Lusaka and I sell the products in my shop.
My shop is located in Chipata town and it is always a hive of activity with people coming in and out and goods going in and out. I enjoy what i do because I am able to provide for my family.
I plan to use the loan to purchase 2 rolls of polypipes so that I can increase my Vegetable Garden.
My business is doing well and I sell my vegetables in my shop. I only use the best organic fertilizers and my vegetables are growing very well.
My business is doing well and it is popular with many residents because I only use the best organic fertilizers.
I will use the income from my business to repay my loan.
Feb 6, 2021: Expand my vegetable garden
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Feb 10, 2021
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
2 months
Other loans
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