Member since
May 2016
On-time repayments
154 installments • 14%
I go to schoolpraimary in magogo from claas 1up to 8 i joen ni dago kokore in kisumu,im hard warking boy i dou busines ni Mombasa,
I state dou my job wen I see I have Sam many ni my account wech I wos seving ni 2yers,
I want my children to be cam.a doctor. Sam to dou business .
I lake have good fans with my friends
have hotel wech I want to rhonovet ni a good plese.
I nid to have good ten Sam good tend for hard and to add my stoke in business
I choose hotel coz I was waking to my friend hotel and I see is a good, Job because now it
My typical I sell ni 1dey get 3000 bat it change Samtams I get 2500 or 1900
Every week i put 150 in my account, I investing in my children account
I well rnovet my hotel ,I well bay and add my stok ,maize ,rais sam charkol and beins in 27 dollars
It mek me to wark hard dey bay dey and It well mek my hotel luk good and my csitorm happy
I wuld lake my profit increase up 5000
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Sep 14, 2016
Repayment status
Projected term
59 months
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