Member since
October 2016
On-time repayments
156 installments • 32%
i Was born and raised in Dormaa-koraso town started my education in Dormaa presby primary School later went to Berekum senior high School .i'm self motivated and focused person regardless of any challenge i might be going through. My name is Ofaa Angelina.I am 26 years of age.I want my children to be educated in future.I like watching movies and reading magazines during my leisure times.
I specialized in beauty because its what i know best and again a few people practicing it and the competition is not stiff. Beauty products range from eight GHS to three GHS depending on where they originate.I sell beauty products;,seti lotion,shampoo,hair spray,body lotion,Gir,etc.I chose this business because it is hot cake in terms of market.The quantity of your products depend on how much capital you have.I use my profit to stock my shop and also pay my loans for the business.
Dear lenders, i will use the loan to buy 1) shampoos costing $ 40, 2) body spray which also costs $40.It will enable me to earn more profits and also help my clients to get their wants from my shop.Thanks very much for this wonderful help.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Nov 4, 2017
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
23 months
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Mushbugg Apr 3, 2017