Charlotte K.
Tamale, Ghana
100% repaid
Charlotte K.
Member since
February 2016
On-time repayments
141 installments • 30%
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Should my request be approved, i will use it to expand my shop by purchasing more of Home care, Personal care and Nutritional products.
$100 will be used for Personal care products whiles the remaining $50 will be used for Nutritional products and as i trade along, i should be able to generate some cash to purchase more of Home care products as well.
This will be beneficial to me and my clients because more products will be added to my shop not only to fill or beautify it but also to attract both new and existing customers and also meet their needs.
Suppling in higher quantities increases revenue and when supply met demands revenue increases and when that happn, profit margin rises.
On this note, i should expect my profit margin to go up from 50% to 80% respectfully.
Thank you for your usual cooperation.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 11, 2016
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
4 weeks
Other loans
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