Member since
October 2016
On-time repayments
250 installments • 62%
I was born and raised in a small village of masimba. this is where i schooled and did my studies. i later finshed my studies but i did not pass well. i lived in the country side in assisting my father and mother with farming.i later got married and started my own farming. so as to fend for my family
i do livestock farming. i have two dairy cattle . i raise them in a zero grazing because i have a small piece of land.
i have leased a piece of land where i have planted na nappier grass.
i liked this business because it is easy as i do it in the country side and there is deamand of milk in the neasrby shopping centre.
this businesss has helped me feed my family as well mas pay for the fees of my children
Currently hay has became very demandable, and it fetches very good money. I intend two plant 3 acres of hay, from which i expect to haves aroung 100 bales. So i need this money for tilling the shamba, to buy fertilizer and for buying seeds
Tilling one acre costs around 8 dollars so for three acres that is 24 dollars
i need four bags of fertilize and one bag goes for 20 dollars totalling to 60 dollars
seeds for this shamba will cost around 20 dollars
the rest of the money i will use for labour during the whole period up to the time i harvest
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jun 16, 2017
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
3 months
Other loans
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Janet Merrill Miller Apr 2, 2017