Member since
February 2017
On-time repayments
85 installments • 69%
I was borne in televago, a village under Garu tempane district in the upper east region of ghana. I attended zoogo primary school after which i had addmission to attend Bawku senior high school and completed in 2014. I love playing and watching football.
I sell a store with all kinds of materals such as soaps, washing powder, toothpaste ect. I dicided to sell a provision store because in the whole area only one person who is having it and due to that he sell his items expensive.
I sell provisions of all kinds like tin tomatoes, can and bottles con beef. The loan will help me to stock my shop with enough provisions. At times peoples do ask one or two things that I don't have due to my low capital. If am granted this loan I know I will not lack this petty things that am lacking.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Sep 25, 2017
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
8 months
Other loans
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