
Dakar, Senegal

100% repaid




Member since

June 2010

On-time repayments

28 installments  •  32%

About Me

My name is Aissatou Traore, I am from Casamance. I am a widow with one child, who is twelve, who is in school. After the bac (college entrance exam), I received training to be an office secretary. I have a certificate in international business and marketing. Considering the economic situation in my region (the conflicts in Casamance), I work to help my family.

My Business

I work in the Marketing Network and I am a partener in a multinational American company in the health products industry. With at least a minor presence all over the world, we distribute natural products made by Forever Living Products to help people control their health and feel better. The company was founded in 1987 in Arizona and has a presence in 150 countries. Being a partner of this company, I solicit financing to boost my business and to help people all over the world get access to these natural products which help their health every day. Previously to start my business I received a loan of 300,000 CFA (roughly $600) which I finished paying back in 6 intervals in December of 2009.

Loan Proposal

More and more of the population has needs for our natural medical products, I require more capital to have more products, to increase my supply and my distribution. With the profits from my business, I would like to build a home for my family in Casamance and to pay for my son’s education in a top university of the world.

Show original Français  

About Me

My name is Aissatou Traore, I am from Casamance. I am a widow with one child, who is twelve, who is in school. After the bac (college entrance exam), I received training to be an office secretary. I have a certificate in international business and marketing. Considering the economic situation in my region (the conflicts in Casamance), I work to help my family.

(this is a translation of the original French below)

Mon nom est Aissatou Traore, je suis originaire de la Casamance. Je suis veuve et j’ai un enfant de 12 ans qui va a l’ecole. Apres le Bac j’ai suivi une formation en secretariat bureautique, j’ai un Brevet de Technicienne Superieur en commerce international et marketing. Compte tenu de la situation economique dans ma region (conflit casamancaise), je travaille pour aider ma famille.

My Business

My name is Aissatou Traore, I am from Casamance. I am a widow with one child, who is twelve, who is in school. After the bac (college entrance exam), I received training to be an office secretary. I have a certificate in international business and marketing. Considering the economic situation in my region (the conflicts in Casamance), I work to help my family.

I work in the Marketing Network and I am a partener in a multinational American company in the health products industry. With at least a minor presence all over the world, we distribute natural products made by Forever Living Products to help people control their health and feel better. The company was founded in 1987 in Arizona and has a presence in 150 countries. Being a partner of this company, I solicit financing to boost my business and to help people all over the world get access to these natural products which help their health every day.

Previously to start my business I received a loan of 300,000 CFA (roughly $600) which I finished paying back in 6 intervals in December of 2009.

(this is a translation of the original French below)

Mon nom est Aissatou Traore, je suis originaire de la Casamance. Je suis veuve et j’ai un enfant de 12 ans qui va a l’ecole. Apres le Bac j’ai suivi une formation en secretariat bureautique, j’ai un Brevet de Technicienne Superieur en commerce international et marketing. Compte tenu de la situation economique dans ma region (conflit casamancaise), je travaille pour aider ma famille.

Je travaille dans le Networtk Marketing et je suis partenaire d;une multinationale americaine qui evolue dans le marche du MIEUX ETRE.
Un peu partout a travers le monde nous distribuons des PRODUITS NATURELS de FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS pour aider les gens a gerer la SANTE et a se sentir mieux. Cette Societe est fondee en 1978 en ARIZONA, elle est presente dans 150 pays au monde. Etant partenaire de cette societe je sollicite un financement pour booster mon business et aider les gens un peu partout avec ces produits naturels pour s’occuper de leur SANTE chaque jour.

Auparavant pour demarrer mon business je recu un prêt de 300 000 francs et que j’ai fini de rembourser depuis decembre 2009 en 6 tranches.

Loan Proposal

More and more of the population has needs for our products, I require more capital to have more products, to increase my supply and my distribution.

With the profits from my business, I would like to build a home for my family in Casamance and to pay for my son’s education in a top university of the world.

(this is a translation of the original French below)

Comme de plus en plus la population a plus besoin de nos produits il me faut un peu plus de capitaux pour avoir plus de produits, augmemter mon stock et ma capacite de distribution.

J’aimerai plutard avec ce que je vais gagner construire une maison pour ma famille en Casamance, payer les Etudes dans une meilleure universite au monde pour mon fils.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 8, 2010

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

29 months



Brussels, Belgium


Lusaka, Zambia, South Africa

Julia Kurnia

Sterling, Virginia, United States


Chapin SC, United States


Remagen, Germany



Randers, Denmark



Sandefjord, Norway


Stanford, United States



Southampton, United Kingdom



Huntington beach, ca, United States



Paris, France



Hong Kong, Hong Kong



Plainfield, Vermont, United States



Taipei, Taiwan



San Francisco, United States



Lemming, Denmark



United States



Sint-Maria-Oudenhove, Belgium



Brabrand, Denmark

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Aissatou a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


