Member since
March 2021
On-time repayments
42 installments • 33%
Am Peter macharia Gitau ,six born in family of 12 children.Am married to one wife blessed with 4 beautiful boys .
Am a business person selling building materials like cement,iron sheets ,iron bars and water fitting items .
I will increase my hardware business by buying more paints which I buy and sell to make profit.I will sell and make profit Which will help me repay my loan on time.These will also assist me in improving my life by saving some profit and venture the rest to the business
I operates glass cutting business which if my hardware business get stack I can be able to repay using money from my glass cutting business.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Apr 3, 2021
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
1 week
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