Member since
July 2015
On-time repayments
399 installments • 93%
My name is Christine Wawira .I was born in Embu county,central Kenya I am a mother of two boy and a girl and I have adopted one girl .My parents practiced small scale farming and also business.They owned a dairy shop.Most of my childhood involved going to a local school and also assist my parents in household chores during the weekends.
After my high school education i attended National youth services since i wanted to join the army of Kenya.After completing the National youth services,Unfortunately i wasn't not selected to join the army due to my height.I was frustrated and disappointed since i had spent most of the time working hard to join the Army.
My parents told me that now am an adult and i should cater for myself i had to travel to Nairobi to look for a job .Luckily i was able to convince some beauty shops that i would hawk their products and we agreed on a commission.I worked hard and in two years time i saved some money and started my own shop .Then,a friend introduced me to zidisha org where i borrowed a loan for the first time, and added stock to my business .i have been borrowing up to date and I have managed to extend a salon ,start pigs project and also farming.I plant tomato.this project is on going.thanks.
My businesses deals with sale of beauty products from hair lotion,body lotion,hair extensions,earrings, salon,pigs farming whereby I sell piglets and pigs to farmers choice or any where I get buyers and tomato farming.The cosmetics products which i sell are demanding which make them move faster because they are unique and everyone wants.I choose this business because being a hairdresser and beauty has been my passion since when i was a kid and I knew I will manage it easily. Having this two businesses together ,have always saved my time and given me more profit to pay my loan and continue with the pigs & tomato project .I source from wholesalers who have imported from different nation such as Uganda,Dubai,London and china.
My typical costs in the shop include paying rent,electricity bills and business tax business and koko jikos project which I started with the last loan is also doing well hence more profit.I make a profit of $1050 monthly which i use for my daily use,buying food for my pigs,paying my workers and support my family.
Hello my lenders, am humbly thanking all of you for the continued support.when i get this money,i will add float to my mpesa shop again because i want to glow my limit till when i will be ready for my next project that will need more money .this will also help me earn more profits because of good flow of withdrawal and deposit for my clients.
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Feb 1, 2023
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