Member since
January 2015
On-time repayments
48 installments • 42%
My names are Clemence Chao. I am currently a credit officer with XPlico insurance LTD and also have a mitumba shop operating in town along River road. Am also a student with KEMU University doing my last year. I have always believed in owning a big business that would give me financial freedom. In future I plan to travel to china and other countries so as to bring valuables for sale after I gain financial muscles. Also from the business so that I can raise funds to do my masters.
My main source of income is the salary I earn from my work place. I opened my mitumba business 5 months ago so I am still naturing it so that it can grow and sustain itself in the harsh economic environment. So far so good. While I invested $ 1348.3 and out of this stock was $ 674.2 I have seen it grow to a stock of $ 898.9. I intend to plow back all proceeds to the business until its capital base is good enough.
I intend to increase my stock by buying a new bale of sheets for sale and pillows. The money will help in adding to what I already have to acquire the stock
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Aug 17, 2021
Repayment status
Projected term
7 weeks
Other loans
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