Member since
July 2013
On-time repayments
165 installments • 99%
I accept God as my personal saviour.I'm married and blessed with lovely children. I'm a Kenyan citizen hailing from Kisii county. I'm also a farmer, entrepreneur and a servant to many including but not limited to my society. I strive to make positive impact in the society to develop and nurture talents. Together as team we shall make our world a better place for ourselves and other generations to come.
About my business
It is not always easy but I always strive to get the very best from it. Capital is my single biggest constraint but I appreciate the little which have been blessed with to maximize the the best from it. Prudent capital management is my ultimate goal in the long run. Any grant or loan accorded at a reasonable cost will be deployed and managed effectively in order to maximize returns.
Dear Lenders,
I request you to lend me the said amount to enable me re-stock my retail shop. I have finished my farming plan as I expected due to your assistance from this facility. I expect to harvest my first plant towards month end. Currently my re-order levels are extremely not met due to lack of resources hence my opportunity cost is so high.
My humble request to my lenders is to lend me the said amount so that I can buy fast moving stocks in my shop. I expect to spend that amount as follows:
1. Two bales of cooking flours 2kg at a total cost of USD 71.00.
2. Two bales of baking flour 2 kgs at a total cost of USD 73.25
3. Two 50 kgs bags of sugar at a cost of USD 93.01
4. Two boxes of 1 kg bar soap(Menengai brand) at a total cost of USD 64.00
5. Cooking oil 20 litres at a total cost of USD 26.94
From this capital if granted, I expect to increase my profit margin by 10% of capital with 4 times stock turnover in a period of four months which is approximately a gain of USD 75 at the lower side.
I will be grateful for your kind assistance and also re assure you to repay it as planned.
Yours faithful.
Victor Mogoi Mose
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Dec 1, 2014
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
3 months
Other loans
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