Member since
March 2020
On-time repayments
21 installments • 57%
Am a Kenyan citizen aged 33 years of well motivated drive in the business community. I have a family and am operating my business in kenya. Apart from business I practice farming activities which also helps me boost my business.
I operate a mini shop and an mpesa service at the same time I run a grocery combined with french fries. I also practice farming activities in my piece of Land. I have lately started puoeltry farming from the help of Zidisha.
Now that I have started poultry farming through the help of Zidisha I wish to have feeds ready for the hatching chicks and have the ketch extended for their comfort stay and growth. This will enable me produce more in future.
Due to the kind of products I deal with Wich are mainly foodstuffs, they have a steady market and are not greatly affected by this economic conditions. This is because food in very essential and it's demand does not easily fluctuate.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Oct 5, 2020
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
4 weeks
Other loans
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