Member since
August 2014
On-time repayments
337 installments • 81%
am John mwandisha mwadeghu I come from a very needy family a family man of two a business man photographer and am also an electrician employed in a private steel factory.
am a photographer my business I can manage to take more than 60photos per week which goes at 50ksh which makes total of 3000ksh per month I get more than 12000ksh.I also get monthly salary of 30000ksh per month.I also own a retail shop and mpesa agent which gives me commission of an average 30,000ksh after all expenses.
I will use my loan to buy wiring materials.power circuit cable size 2.5mm red ,yellow and black each two rolls at 4000ksh per roll total circuit 1.5mm cable red two rolls,black 2rolls yellow 1roll .roll goes at 3000ksh total 15000ksh.sockets, switches and lamp holders at total cost 15000ksh.main switch carlgillbert 4way 4500ksh.lastly connection fee of 40,000ksh goes to Kenya power company . luckly am doing all wiring for myself.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Feb 1, 2019
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
20 months
Other loans
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Mary Jan 7, 2019