Member since
July 2020
On-time repayments
59 installments • 51%
My name is Martin Ngulube. I am a farmer of Lusaka's Makeni farming block.
I worked for many years in the Zambia Railways as a senior Police Officer in Kafue district. I now live on my farm in Makeni area.
My business is growing and selling vegetables and fish.
I plant different types of crops on my farm, ranging from tomatoes and chillies. I sell these vegetables to marketeers and individuals. I also grow fish in my newly constructed fish ponds. I sell the fish at the markets in Lusaka.
I plan to use the loan to purchase a new 10,000l water tank that would allow me to prepare a large field of tomato seedlings.
The 10,000l water tank would be used to irrigate the tomato seedlings.
My vegetable business is doing well and I am expanding my vegetable field to include a new field of tomato seedlings.
I would be able to repay the loan with the profits that would come from selling my tomatoes.
Feb 11, 2021: Purchase polypipes
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jan 15, 2021
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
8 weeks
Other loans
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Anonymous Feb 20, 2021
Martin Mar 4, 2021