Member since
August 2020
On-time repayments
69 installments • 57%
My name is Elizabeth Antwiwaa, Am from a family of four, my parent passed away when am in high school, due to finances I drop out of school into business to take care of myself and my sister
My line of business, I sell eggs, I started with small amount of eggs with the little money I have and I do house to house business and sometimes in work places, ln a day I can sell more than 10 crates of egg, now I have more customers and I need a store of my own to keep and sell them, with the help of zidisha lenders, I know I can make it a reality
Hello zidisha lenders, I thank you for your help to me and I ask that you continue to help me purchase more eggs as I have gain more customers demanding eggs and it will increase my sales revenue and profit and also repay my loan on time
As now the economy is okay than the previous months as the pandemic was serious and now all business are open right now and my business is open as well, each day more customers are buying and I know I can repay my loan on time
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Oct 26, 2020
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
1 week
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