Member since
May 2017
On-time repayments
100 installments • 41%
I was in 1983 in kakamega county joined primary school until 1989 at shiseno primary thereafter joined musingu high until 2001,i then joined masinde muliro university where i studied education until 2010.Due difficulties in finding employment currently i decide to start my own business with funds i secured from family to start this salon business with the help of my wife.This usually has a lot of challenges especially during low seasons when there no festivities here in mombasa county.When i heard about zidisha i knew i could secure working capital instead having to work as a labourer at beach hotels.
In do different styles of feminine hairdo,i stock different artificial hair,shoes,body lotions,school bags for children and others which readily appeal to customer desires.I decided to venture into this coz my wife was a talented hair dresser therefore i decided to seize that opportunity .We make a profit of between shs 500 to shs 700 a day which usually rise during weekends and holidays especially december when sales rise steadily.My costs are stocking of those artificial hair,body and hair lotions,shoes and others,the profits i get enable me feed my family and pay school fees.
Having had a successful period of trade with the last loan i wud like to add more of artificial hair at a cost of &10,school bags at &20,shoes at &10 and the remaining amount i wud introduce manicure and pedicure which most customers have requested me to introduce therefore i will use money to stock the materials set the pace going forward hoping to reap big as we approach festive season
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Sep 21, 2017
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
4 months
Other loans
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