Siavonga, Zambia
100% repaid
Member since
March 2018
On-time repayments
165 installments • 73%
My name is Muzalema Mwanza, I am the last born in a family of four and I am married with one baby boy. I am a civil engineer by profession and my late father always encouraged me to chase my dreams.
As a new mother, I learned of the difficult requirements that rural Zambian clinics impose on expectant mothers to provide their own tools for giving birth such as a scalpel blade, sterile gloves, and birthing mat for delivery of their babies. I managed to buy the things they require and gave birth to a beautiful boy in 2016, after which i realized that for many months I had a hard time finding these products all in one place so I established Safe Motherhood Alliance, a social enterprise to package and distribute sterile materials for childbirth for pregnant women in low-income communitiesand rural areas.
We provide Baby Delivery Kits to pregnant women in low-income communities and rural areas to ensure and improve safe births by developing a simple, low-cost, disposable delivery kit for pregnant women that will be used during childbirth because everyday in Zambia, hundreds of mothers and babies die at childbirth because mothers have to provide their own birthing materials. But with the baby delivery kits, mothers can rest easy knowing their newborns will be free from using unsterilized,-materials.
With this loan, I intend to package more baby delivery kits and distribute them in the vulnerable communities that we work in everyday to ensure the lives of mothers and their newborns are safe.
Childbirth is a ery vulnerable time for most mothers and to add to that burden not having adequate supplies of key birth items adds to the pressure of Motherhood. Our aim is to make sure mothers don't feel these pressures by providing them with these lifesaving supplies.
Jan 22, 2021: Safe motherhood alliance
May 25, 2024: Contributing to safe motherhood journey
May 25, 2024: Safe motherhood
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jan 30, 2021
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
5 months
Other loans
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Ed Jan 22, 2021
David Dec 31, 2019