Member since
October 2018
On-time repayments
88 installments • 72%
I am a mechanical engineer specialising in water and energy solutions in my formal employment. I founded Student Laundry Services Ltd, a company specialising in offering automated laundry services. we intend to open outlets at major colleges and universities across the country
Offering convenient automated wash and dry laundry services to the student population saving them time to invest in studies and other constructive activities.
SLS laundry services started off as Student Laundry Service provider but we have slowly evolved into serving a more diverse customer base including tourists and Bnb customers.
We would like to keep growing and expand into having partnerships with hostels and student accommodation providers in the region.
May 11, 2024: Overview of the laundry room
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
May 28, 2024
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