Member since
December 2017
On-time repayments
148 installments • 91%
I grew up working with my mother, we cook and prepare drinks together. That is how I learnt to prepare Sobolo drink.
I am a graduate of university for development studies.
I over come challenges by staying focus to what I want to achieve.
I went for what I love, preparing Sobolo drink.
Uniqueness of my culture lies on the fact that women are often looked down on.
I leave my kids to choose what they want.
I love to cook.
Sobolo is a locally made drink in my part of the country, it is taken by a lot of people.
I choose this because I love the cooking and preparing drinks.
My cost n revenue depends the quantity I choose to prepare.
I reinject my revenue into the business.
I want to buy a fridge, I am currently using my family fridge which capacity is small. With 200 dollars I can get a fridge in Ghana.
I would meet my clients demand as I would have more Sobolo in the fridge for customers
I would experience an increase in profit because more of the Sobolo will be ready for distribution.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 9, 2018
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
10 months
Other loans
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