Stock and rent for cereal shop


Nairobi, Kenya

100% paid forward




Member since

June 2024

On-time repayments

8 installments  •  100%

About Me

I am a resident of pipeline estate Nairobi city Kenya, i have a small cereal shop just in the neighborhood of my residence. The idea of setting up a business came into my mind the same year I enrolled for my studies. Tough life propelled me to get engaged into part time jobs in order to earn income that would sustain my livelihood. This is where I acquired capital for the business. I was inspired by a friend and fellow student who I observed had a well thriving business from where she earned income that made her self-reliant. My business is two years old and has indeed grown with time. Customer base has increased; thus, I am looking forward to expanding my stock and acquiring a larger storage space. This will therefore mean service to more customers and further improved income earnings.

My Business

I own a small cereal shop close to my residence. Grains of maize, beans, rice, ground nuts and green grams constitute a larger percentage of my stock. These are the fast-selling products constantly purchased by customers operating hotel business. Their daily operations are a great deal for me because I am assured of regular buyers hence fast flow of my stock. However, other varieties are also in stock and in addition to grains I recently introduced different types of flours on the shelves. I am even looking forward to introducing a posho mill on the same premise in future. Before establishing this business, I depended upon my elder brothers and sisters for school fees and sustenance funds. This has since changed and it's a relief to them because I am now self-reliant. I am at the moment in pursuit of funds that will see my business expand stock and storage space.

Project Proposal

I plan is to spend the funds as follows
1. 3500 on rent for my store
2. 2700 plus top up of 8800 from my savings and other sources to acquire more stock
I believe this funds will help me achieve the goal of growing my business to the next level.
This is the main source of income for me and I believe it is going to help me go along with my education to the highest level I have ever dreamed of.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 30, 2024

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