Member since
June 2016
On-time repayments
130 installments • 81%
Am a Kenyan citizen dealing with the sale of tyres, tubes and batteries at my small shop called Nguvu Tyres Express. Due stiff competition from other strong firms is the reason i would like to expand my capital base and that's why am seeking for your assistance in terms of loan.Am a hardworking young man who seeks to expand his business so as to get revenue, provide employment to young Kenyans who really seek to earn experience to work at big companies and also to enhance the community development through social responsibilities towards the society. Am looking forward to have the best company that will compete globally and assist many youths to be self dependant by offering formal training to them.
My business is located at Nakuru on west road street near Valley Hospital. It is a small shop where i sell Tyres, Tubes, Batarries and offer other services such as wheel balancing and wheel alignment. Before i started this business i was working with Kingsway Tyres Ltd as a sales person where my roles were marketing the company's products,stocktaking and also calculations of re-order level.My main aim in the coming years is to see my business grow and become a big company. I started this company last year June and up to now i have made a profit at least Kes 50,000 that i have returned it back into my business. I would like to have stalk in my business because many times i loose customers because of lack of enough stalk.
I will buy tyres with the funds so that my clients will have a better option to choose from.
My employees also will have something at the end of the month with this I mean no delaying for their salaries
This fund will also help us to have some petty cash to run our business on daily basis and pay some small bills like electricity and water.
Apart from all that this fund also helps us to do marketing of our business to reach so many clients.
I believe all the information given will help to speed up the funding of the loan.
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
May 30, 2023
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