Stock of a very best-selling petshop product

Riscki Elita Rosihana

Medan, Indonesia

100% repaid



Riscki Elita Rosihana

Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

69 installments  •  49%

About Me

Hello all dear lenders, let me introduce myself, Riscki Elita Rosihana, mother of one child, the first of 8 children. I am a lecturer at a private polytechnic, deciding to enter the business world will certainly encounter one failure after another. I initially chose to enter the world of rescue as a hobby. I like cats and dogs, my heart is called to help those who are neglected, you can see my activities on my Instagram @pecintakucingmedan2015. Several years since entering the world of rescue, I looked at a business just when I was bored of running my old business which was not growing/running in place. Yes... I'm interested in opening a Petshop. Initially, Petshop only sold cat food and necessities, apart from that I received pet care or what was called a pet hotel and also a pet salon or pet grooming. After opening a Petshop for a year, I saw quite significant growth and was able to pay for the food of the 40 fur babies I rescued. I started trying to open a veterinary clinic by paying the salary of a veterinarian. A year has passed... quite significant developments. from those who can only afford to rent a shop for Rp. 25,000,000,- I can afford to rent a more strategic shop with a rent of IDR. 60,000,000,- very clear difference in income in the new place. for the clinic's income alone in the first month it exceeded Rp. 30,000,000,- excluding income from Petshop, pet hotel and pet grooming. Stormy winds began to hit my business. Giving too much trust to employees and veterinarians made my business go bankrupt. The employee takes away the shop's profits without me realizing it. Every day he takes the shop's income, although not all of it, but slowly the shop's income usually gets Rp. a day. 1,000,000,- only Rp. 500,000,- yes 50% even though trading profits are not up to 50%, right? then the veterinarian also started acting up, a few months before I went bankrupt the clinic's income was worrying, which usually reached Rp. 30,000,000,- can even reach Rp. 45,000,000,- dropped drastically to Rp. 8,000,000,- then slowly reached its lowest point of only Rp. 2,800,000,- a month. Investigating further, it turns out that all the patients who wanted to take their pets for treatment were sabotaged by veterinarians by simply asking for a house call so that they could enjoy the money for the treatment themselves. slowly but surely I went bankrupt and finally closed. I almost gave up by drinking liquid mosquito repellent. But Allah is truly kind, giving me an extraordinary and encouraging family. I got up. I started from zero, initially with online Petshop capital. yes... online and mobile. I wander around from 08.00Wib until evening, often at 24.00Wib before I get home. I use a little of my sales profits to rent a house and a small kiosk. I rose from zero. I bought Petshop stock in installments, I bought clinic materials and equipment in installments. I collaborate with a veterinarian from another clinic, where they only come when there are patients. Treatment can only be done at my clinic, and patient data is only available at the cashier where I also act as cashier. Slowly but surely I was able to rise again from my downturn, every Sunday I paid off debts from loan sharks that I had borrowed from when I first approached bankruptcy to pay the salaries of doctors and employees which did not cover the income from shops and clinics. Until now, almost a year has passed and I have paid off my debt in installments, including my credit card debt which reached IDR. 270,000,000,- My principle is that debts must be paid even if we have to work hard, because our sustenance will be disturbed when we withhold other people's rights. For members who choose me to be a volunteer member, please WA me at 085831352205. Ask to be included in the VM Riscki group. There we can share how to get your loan approved quickly and how to pay your Zidisha installments on time.

My Business

My business is a Petshop and veterinary clinic. a business that was created because of my love for cats and dogs. a business that was created when I was bored with an old business that was not growing and my 55 fur babies had to be fed. Even though I've fallen and been down, I have to get up. because if not, how will my children, my babies 'Shakeel and Mahesa' live, how will my 55 fur children live. Meanwhile, my husband and I only hoped that the monotonous business would not develop. So we started a Petshop and clinic business which turned out to develop well even though it went bankrupt. Nowadays, the level of human concern for animals is getting better, thanks to the enforcement of the Animal Welfare Law and regular education from our friends who like to help abandoned animals. Apart from that, the popularity of purebred cats which are being kept as pets also makes Petshops and clinics a very promising business and this has been proven. because I was able to support my child and my 55 fur cubs as well as finance my postgraduate education which, thank God, was successfully completed in 2018, and I am currently teaching at a private polytechnic as a lecturer. I have to work even harder to be able to cover the needs of my children and the needs of my fur children and also the needs of my younger siblings. Because my sister hopes that through my hands she can finish her studies as a veterinarian

Loan Proposal

I plan to shop for some bestselling products in Petshop Like anti ox double bowl + drink dispenser for $ 3.00 x 12 pcs = $ 36.00 Then buy dryfood for cat (Pet Food) for $ 6.00 x 6 pcs = $ 36.00 Cat cat (Cat Litter) for $ 10 x 4 sak = $ 40 This product is very in demand, like a double bowl dispenser I just prompted a few hours ago through my Instagram account, has been immediately crowded enthusiasts until the total order reaches 11pcs. The profits from this sale I can accumulate to be a capital buy back the needs of drugs in my veterinary clinic. My clinic though profit-oriented still many cases of rescue delivered to the clinic at a rate below standard, some even deliver a cat with a poor condition when we are not in the clinic, leaving no identity or initial fee for the cat treatment guarantees, and even the cat not picked up again. In the midst of business like this, My Friend Always say to me, Business is business. Help is certain, but we should be able to keep the expenses of Petshop and animal clinics covered. But I am often helpless when I see pet voters carrying cat who is in a state of concern while the owner is crying does not have enough funds. Not infrequently I give lightening installments within 1month time, unfortunately many are lost to follow-up. After her pet is healthy, she forgets the promise to pay for her medical care costs. Pathetic is not it ???? I really hope to be helped and given trust by the funders. Thank you very much for the help .... May God repay with all the goodness and ease in our life. Aamiin ...

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Halo semua para lender yang terhormat, perkenalkan saya Riscki Elita Rosihana, Ibu satu anak, Anak Pertama dari 8 bersaudara. Saya merupakan Dosen di sebuah Politeknik Swasta, memutuskan terjun ke dunia usaha tentu akan menemukan kegagalan satu dengan kegagalan lainnya. saya awalnya memilih terjun ke dunia rescue karena hobi. saya menyukai kucing dan anjing, hati saya terpanggil untuk menolong mereka yang terlantar, anda bisa melihat aktivitas saya di Instagram saya @pecintakucingmedan2015 . Beberapa tahun sejak terjun ke dunia rescue, saya melirik sebuah usaha tepat disaat saya sudah jenuh menjalankan usaha lama saya yang tidak berkembang/ jalan di tempat. ya... saya tertarik terjun membuka Petshop. awalnya hanya Petshop menjual makanan dan kebutuhan kucing, selain itu saya menerima penitipan hewan atau disebut pet hotel dan jg pet salon atau pet Grooming. setahun buka Petshop, melihat perkembangan yang cukup signifikan dan bs mampu membiayai makan 40ekor anak bulu yang saya rescue, saya mulai mencoba membuka klinik hewan dengan membayar gaji seorang dokter hewan. setahun berlalu... perkembangan cukup signifikan. dari yang hanya mampu menyewa toko seharga Rp. 25.000.000,- saya mampu menyewa toko yg lebih strategis lagi dengan sewa Rp. 60.000.000,- sangat jelas perbedaan penghasilan di tempat baru. untuk penghasilan klinik saja di bulan pertama melebihi Rp. 30.000.000,- diluar penghasilan Petshop, pet hotel dan pet Grooming. Angin badai mulai menerpa usaha saya. terlalu memberi kepercayaan penuh pada karyawan dan dokter hewan membuat usaha saya pailit. karyawan bawa lari hasil toko tanpa saya sadari setiap hari dia mengambil penghasilan toko, meskipun tidak semuanya tapi perlahan penghasilan toko yang biasanya sehari mendapat Rp. 1.000.000,- hanya tersisa Rp. 500.000,- ya 50% padahal keuntungan dagang tidaklah sampai 50% bukan? lalu si dokter hewan juga mulai berulah, beberapa bulan sebelum saya pailit penghasilan klinik memprihatinkan, yang biasanya sebulan mencapai Rp. 30.000.000,- bahkan bisa tembus Rp. 45.000.000,- terjun drastis menjadi Rp. 8.000.000,- lalu perlahan mencapai titik terendah hanya Rp. 2.800.000,- sebulannya. usut punya usut ternyata semua pasien yang ingin membawa hewan peliharaannya berobat di sabotase dokter hewan dengan mengajak house call saja sehingga uang pengobatan dia nikmati sendiri. perlahan tapi pasti saya pailit dan akhirnya tutup. nyaris saja saya menyerah dengan meneguk obat nyamuk cair. Tapi Sungguh Maha Baik Allah, memberikan saya keluarga yang luar biasa menyemangati. saya bangkit. saya ulang dari Nol, awalnya bermodal Petshop online. ya... online dan mobile. saya keliling dari pukul 08.00Wib hingga malam tak jarang pukul 24.00Wib baru sampai rumah. sedikit- sedikit keuntungan jualan saya pakai sewa rumah dan kios kecil. saya bangkit dari nol. saya cicil beli stok Petshop, saya cicil beli bahan dan alat klinik. saya bekerjasama dengan dokter hewan dari klinik lain, dimana mereka hanya datang ketika ada pasien. pengobatan hanya boleh di lakukan di klinik saya, dan data pasien hanya ada di kasir yang mana saya merangkap sebagai kasir. pelan tapi pasti saya bisa bangkit lagi dari ieterpurukan, setiap Minggu saya mencicil hutang dari rentenir yang sempat saya pinjam saat awal saya mendekati pailit untuk membayar gaji dokter dan karyawan yang tidak menutupi dari pemasukan toko dan klinik. sampai sekarang nyari setahun berlalu saya mencicil hutang, termasuk hutang kartu kredit saya yang mencapai Rp. 270.000.000,- prinsip saya hutang harus dibayar meski harus bersusah payah, karena rezeki kita akan terganggu ketika kita menahan hak orang lain.

untuk member yang memilih saya menjadi volunteer member silahkan wa saya di 085831352205. minta untuk di masukkan ke grup VM Riscki disana kita bisa sharing bagaimana cara agar pinjaman cepat disetujui dan bagaimana agar bisa membayar cicilan Zidisha tepat waktu.

My Business

usaha saya sebuah Petshop dan klinik hewan. usaha yang tercipta karena kecintaan saya pada kucing dan anjing. usaha yang tercipta saat saya jenuh dengan usaha lama yang tidak berkembang dan 55ekor anak bulu saya harus diberi makan. 
meski saya pernah jatuh dan terpuruk Saya harus bangkit. karena jika tidak bagaimana anak saya, buah hati saya ' Shakeel dan Mahesa' akan hidup, bagaimana 55ekor ekor anak bulu saya akan hidup. sementara saat itu saya dan suami hanya berharap dari usaha yang monoton tidak berkembang. jadilah kami memulai usaha Petshop dan klinik yang ternyata berkembang dengan baik meski sempat pailit sepailit-pailitnya. sekarang ini tingkat kepedulian manusia terhadap hewan semakin baik, ini berkat penegakan Undang-undang Kesejahteraan Hewan dan edukasi rutin dari sahabat-sahabat kita yang suka menolong hewan terlantar. selain itu pamor kucing ras yang sedang banyak di jadikan peliharaan juga membuat Petshop dan klinik jadi sebuah usaha yang sangat menjanjikan dan itu terbukti. karena saya bisa mampu menghidupi anak saya dan 55ekor anak bulu saya serta membiayai pendidikan PascaSarjana saya yang Alhamdulillah berhasil selesai di Tahun 2018, dan saat ini saya mengajar di Politeknik Swasta sebagai Dosen. Saya harus bekerja lebih keras lagi untuk bisa menutupi kebutuhan anak-anak saya dan kebutuhan anak bulu serta juga kebutuhan adik saya. Karena adik saya berharap melalui tangan saya dia bisa menyelesaikan kuliahnya sebagai dokter hewan

Loan Proposal

Saya berencana belanja beberapa produk laris di Petshop
Seperti double bowl anti semut+ dispenser minum seharga $ 3,00 x 12 pcs = $ 36,00
Lalu membeli dryfood for cat (Pet Food) seharga $6,00 x 6 pcs = $36,00
Pasir kucing ( Cat Litter ) seharga $10 x 4 sak = $40

Produk ini sangat laris, seperti double bowl dispenser baru saja saya promokan beberapa jam yang lalu melalui akun Instagram saya, sudah langsung ramai peminat hingga total pesanan mencapai 11pcs.

Keuntungan dari penjualan ini bisa saya kumpulkan untuk menjadi modal kembali membeli kebutuhan obat-obatan di klinik hewan saya. Klinik saya meski berorientasi pada profit tetap saja banyak kasus rescue yang diantar ke klinik dengan tarif dibawah standart, bahkan ada yang mengantar kucing dengan kondisi memprihatinkan saat kami tidak ada di klinik, tanpa meninggalkan identitas ataupun biaya awal untuk jaminan pengobatan kucing tersebut, dan bahkan kucingnya tidak dijemput kembali.
Ditengah-tengah bisnis begini, saya selalu di katakan pada rekan-rekan saya, jangan terlalu tuturkan rasa iba. Bisnis adalah bisnis. Menolong sudah pasti, tapi kita harus bisa menahan agar biaya pengeluaran Petshop dan klinik hewan tertutupi. Namun saya sering tidak berdaya jika melihat pemilih hewan peliharaan membawa kucingnya yang dalam keadaan memprihatinkan sedangkan pemiliknya menangis tidak memiliki cukup dana. Tak jarang saya beri keringanan mencicil dalam tempo waktu 1bulan, sayangnya banyak yang mangkir. Setelah hewan peliharaannya sehat, dia lupa janji untuk membayar kekurangan biaya perawatan pengobatan hewannya.
Menyedihkan bukan????

Saya sangat berharap dapat dibantu dan diberikan kepercayaan oleh para pendana.

Terima kasih sebesar-besarnya atas bantuannya....
Semoga Tuhan membalas dengan seluruh kebaikan dan kemudahan dalam hidup kita. Aamiin...





  • Anonymous    Apr 5, 2018

    Riscki is awesome, and deserves all the support you can give her!

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    • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Apr 6, 2018

      Thanks for positif feedback . Saya akan terus berusaha menjaga kepercayaan para lender, membayar sesuai jadwal bahkan jika ada rezeki akan mempercepat pelunasan pinjaman karena kepercayaan sangat mahal harganya. Semoga kita selalu dalam lindungan Tuhan yang maha pengasih. Aamiin...

      Big love ♥️♥️♥️

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 21, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

8 weeks




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Anna Hoad

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Jared Anthony

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Michiel Rauws

San Francisco, Netherlands


Paul Graham

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Craig Newmark

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Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



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Craig Newmark

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Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    May 24, 2022

    (Google translate)

    Good morning all dear senders, I apologize in advance if I've been missing for a few years. Initially, due to the difficulty of the Zidisha payment method, which suddenly changed to being required to pay from a bank that I did not have an account with and because I did not have the opportunity to create an account, I was finally missed with various complicated problems. I was declared an orthopedic doctor with type S scoliosis. No wonder my whole body often hurts, especially when I finish traveling around the city of Medan delivering customer orders. The whole joint hurts too. However, my ability to pay for BPJS (health services from the government where we need to pay the dues every month) did not exist at that time I also had BPJS arrears for 1.5 years. Finally I ignored my pain. And keep working, saving to pay BPJS bills so I can use health services again. 2018 I finally managed to finish my master's education. Then I applied for a job vacancy at a private university. Alhamdulillah 2019 I was accepted to teach. And start teaching even if only 1 class a week. My first salary was 160 thousand rupiah. Yes… only 40 thousand rupiah per meeting for 2 credits and I teach only 1 class every week. Even if it's just a little, I'm still grateful for it. I'm slowly saving to pay for my BPJS. A few months later, when I was delivering customer orders around the city of Medan, my stomach felt very sick. I was unsteady, and my husband's reflex took me to the hospital. After an ultrasound examination, I was declared appendix accute. And it is mandatory for surgery because it is festering, but BPJS has not been paid. God… I was so stressed that time. Finally, my husband opened our piggy bank to pay BPJS but the money was still less than half. My husband borrowed funds here and there promising to pay in installments every month, finally we managed to pay BPJS, and I was scheduled for surgery and got a schedule 3 days later and stayed for approximately 10 days in the hospital and during the anesthesia process the anesthesiologist failed to inject the anesthetic into my spine because of him don't know if I have scoliosis. Tried several times and I felt very painful pain from being stabbed back and forth but still failed to anesthetic finally I was under general anesthesia through inhalation of oxygen. After that I had a lot of problems. I don't know what the effect of the anesthesia is or it's because the scoliosis is getting worse and is suppressing nerve function so that it often leaves me paralyzed for days. This made my husband confused because he had to take care of me, with the economic condition still not good, he had to take care of me who was sick, work to deliver orders, receive cat and dog grooming. Although later after being massaged for a few days I was able to return to the road. But this keeps happening over and over again. Whether it's sustenance or unfortunate but I prefer to say this is sustenance, 2020 I am pregnant with my second child. With the condition the doctor did not allow me to get pregnant because of my condition. But God entrusted the sustenance of children to me. I really miss having children because my first child was born in 2015. My husband rejected my decision to continue the pregnancy because of my health condition. But I insist. My conscience refuses when many couples want to have children, I am given child sustenance and have to refuse it? I'm still fighting for my pregnancy. At week 29-34 I had hypertension of 160/100 where my normal blood pressure was always at 100/90 for a few weeks but I didn't feel giddy etc so I ignored it. At 34 weeks I experienced leaking amniotic fluid and blurred vision. Obgyn obliged me for a caesarean section immediately. I am preeclampsia and my child was born at 34 weeks 5 days of pregnancy (after 3 days in the hospital the surgery was new because my blood pressure was rising and I was very at risk for surgery. This was because I was stressed and afraid to remember the anesthesia process that used to be very painful). 2 days after surgery I was paralyzed half of my body. Again, my husband was very desperate, lucky to be helped by my in-laws. After gently massaging the back of my back for days (because I just had a baby, my husband was afraid to massage me), I was able to walk again. However, this sudden paralysis became more and more frequent and in April 2021 I was having trouble breathing. Possibly due to compression of the thoracic spine. I had chirotherapy since the appendix surgery and stopped when I was pregnant until a few months after giving birth. Then I went back to chiro and this helped me quite a bit to get through the day even if it was only temporary because paralysis always happened again and again. I have visited several orthopedics and spine orthopedics. Starting by using BPJS facilities to paying for independent even though you have to sell valuable objects. I just asked for surgery but they refused because they thought I was mature and usually the rate of bending of the bones is not fast. At that time, my thorax was 40 degrees bent and I forgot my lumbar. They said it had to be 45 degrees and above and of growing age. But the bone problem is not over. Medicines from the doctor did not help at all. The double pain reliever didn't help either, plus new problems kept popping up, such as swollen joints, blue ankles, swollen hand joints, neck seemed to be pulled down and could no longer see left and right. I'm hopeless. I have followed the advice of undergoing physiotherapy, I have been swimming regularly, body stretching, I have undergone chiro therapy, have been to Shinsee and have used a brace but all have not helped the doctor even said the painkiller I used had the highest level of morphine and I refused. I went through the day with excruciating pain and aches. I cry every time. I also feel guilty for my baby for not being able to take care of him, carrying him because the doctor only allows me to lift weights less than 3kg, and what hurts me is that I can no longer breastfeed him. Until this has an impact on my psychology. I have a mental breakdown. I was declared psychosomatic, anxious and bipolar because I often heard calls to commit suicide, often heard ridicule that I was useless. My husband was really tested this time. Not only physically but mentally I also have problems and still have to take care of our baby and eldest child who is already in kindergarten. He still has to work and take care of me. I do not know what strength God gave him so that he could be that strong, and he is one of the gifts from God that I am very grateful for. Sustenance has a husband who is willing to take care of and accept me despite his low education, and is not an employee. He doesn't work for an agency, he runs a petshop business with me. Delivering orders, receiving grooming, being a pet sitter for cleaning the house / animal cage, etc. Until now I am still struggling to recover. Thank you God for helping me wake up until slowly my mental state has started to stabilize but not physically. I will continue to fight to recover. Today I suddenly remembered my debt at Zidisha and opened my account. I see the payment method can be through a paypal account. I have a paypal account to receive donations from my friends abroad first. 2015-2021 I made a rescue activity for abandoned animals and treated them and then looked for an adopter or re-released them after being sterile (neuter / spayed) but I just had a paypal account last 2019 and didn't know if I paid Zidisha using paypal. And to be honest, I didn't open Zidisha at that time because of unresolved health problems. Today is the first time I repay my debt through paypal. I ask a friend to help transfer funds to my paypal. And I transferred him the money to his bank account. Hopefully I can set aside a little of my sustenance every day to be able to repay my debt at Zidisha, especially this is a help and I am amazed that I have never been chased by debt collectors or scolded for not paying my debts for several years at Zidisha. It's extraordinary, unlike other banks that curse customers even though we have conveyed our condition and invited us to come home to see us. May God always bless the founder and all employees on the Zidisha platform and especially for all senders I apologize for holding your money for too long. I can only pray for the good for all of you, may you be given abundant sustenance and long life and health. I will try to repay my debt until it is finished even though I have to tie my waist tighter. Oh, even though I'm still registered as an active lecturer, since 2020 I no longer teach in class. Apart from the covid pandemic because of my health problems. So I just wrote books and journals as my dasa dharma as a lecturer. So there is no income from campus. So I only expect from my home petshop business. Before I was pregnant, I had the chance to sell the current boba bubble drink and it was selling well. But stopped because I was pregnant until now stopped because the work is tiring. I've tried using employees but the taste is different and it's not as good as if I was the one doing the work. Because my boba is made from fresh ingredients, not ready-to-eat ingredients. Formulated glass so that the taste is different from those on the market. Customers always want to buy them back but when I use employees, customers complain a lot. Have changed employees several times but still the same. Finally I decided to stop because my health condition was also not supportive. Currently I only expect from sales in petshops and online sales in the marketplace (I also open an online selling account for cosmetics and baby needs) although the results are not big but it is enough to help me reduce the burden on my husband who looks older because he is tired of working and doesn't have much time for himself. Please pray for us, Senders.

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    • Admin    May 25, 2022

      Selamat malam Ibu Riscki,

      Terima kasih telah berbagi pembaruan ini. Harap jangan khawatir tentang membayar kembali pinjaman selama Ibu memiliki kesulitan keuangan. Zidisha ada di sini untuk membantu orang, bukan untuk membuat hidup mereka lebih sulit. Alih-alih membayar kembali pinjaman, saya meminta Ibu memenuhi kewajiban kepada Zidisha dengan menjaga diri Ibu dengan baik dan fokus pada pemulihan kesehatan Ibu. Harap memiliki keyakinan bahwa hal-hal akan menjadi lebih baik. Kami sebagai komunitas mendukung Ibu dan berharap Ibu baik-baik saja.

      Salam hormat,

      Julia (direktur Zidisha)

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Jun 6, 2018

    Dears lender sorry I was late paying, because my hp broken so can not open zidisha. But now I paid. Hopefully not reduce your trust to me. Aamiin ...

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Apr 19, 2018

    From yesterday I wanted to make a new comment but it always failed. 3.4 million rupiah I have purchased 12 sacks of sand Lumpy cat packing 30kg, 4sak dryfood Acis and 20kg packing profilin, Persian 1.1kg 6pcs dryfood meo, canned cat cat"s can of canned food, and 1clin wetfood canned supercat. And royal canin wetfood 1lusin. Big thanks to the lenders for their trust in me. I will keep trying to make my business grow and I will not disappoint the lenders. Big love

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Apr 12, 2018

    Alhamdulillah yesterday I was shopping for a mandatory product that became a best seller product in my pet store. but because the capital is only a little because of the benefits that I save and some of the capital used to finance the final exam fee / trial of my master"s education thesis. I really hope the lenders give me the confidence and are willing to help fund this loan proposal so I can soon spend more products to fill the store again. may God give us all the conveniences. aamiin .......

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Apr 12, 2018

    Alhamdulillah yesterday I was shopping for a mandatory product that became a best seller product in my pet store. but because the capital is only a little because of the benefits that I save and some of the capital used to finance the final exam fee / trial of my master"s education thesis. I really hope the lenders give me the confidence and are willing to help fund this loan proposal so I can soon spend more products to fill the store again. may God give us all the conveniences. aamiin ...

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Apr 12, 2018

    Alhamdulillah yesterday I was shopping for a mandatory product that became a best seller product in my pet store. but because the capital is only a little because of the benefits that I save and some of the capital used to finance the final exam fee / trial of my master"s education thesis. I really hope the lenders give me trust and are willing to help fund this loan proposal so I can soon fill the store again. may God give us all the conveniences. aamiin ...

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Apr 11, 2018

    this is the appearance of my clinic results from a loan fund in Zidisha. thanks to the generosity of the lenders who trusted me, I could rise again. You can see the previous appearance of comments-comments that I submitted earlier. Hopefully my next loan will soon be lucky again so I can continue to rise and gain another glory. only God can repay the virtues of the extraordinary lenders.

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Apr 8, 2018

    Dear lender This is my photo tonight with the patient in the clinic. A hit-and-run cat runs away. He must be amputated immediately because his front leg is broken and can not be saved anymore due to long treatment. According to who brought to the clinic, this cat is a wild cat that appears in front of his house. Hopefully this cat soon healthy yes ... And I am very happy with this activity. Profit while helping to save a life.

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Apr 6, 2018

    big thanks to lender, may Allah bless you ... i really hope this loan is soon fully funded.

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Apr 6, 2018

    big thanks to lender, may Allah bless you ... i really hope this loan is soon fully funded.

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Apr 5, 2018

    Dear lender I really hope to give a positive response / feedback for me. In order to increase the trust of other lenders when I apply for a loan back.

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Apr 3, 2018

    Alhamdulillah I have more sustenance can repay more for my debt quickly completed. I can also apply for more funding for capital to add new stock in store again but it seems that I prefer to pay my thesis trial exam first. Store stock I will add from store"s store savings over the last few months.

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Mar 29, 2018

    Alhamdulillah there is little sustenance so can pay bigger.

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Mar 25, 2018

    Just had a blob of sand for a cat. As stock shop in store. Hopefully sold out soon. Aamiin ... Thanks Zidisha and lenders may Allah bless us

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Mar 22, 2018

    Seminar colloquium is completed ... Alhamdulillah ... Next step step seminar results. Then trial and graduation ... Thankyou very much to all lenders May Allah bless us

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Mar 1, 2018

    My new laptop

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    • J    Mar 1, 2018

      That’s a nice one.

      Ps. It would be nice to turn your phone 90 degrees to the landscape position before making a screenshot. Then there are no black borders below and above the image.

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Mar 1, 2018

    My new laptop Thanks to the pendants who have trusted me God bless you

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Feb 26, 2018

    Alhamdulillah dana sudah masuk ke rekening saya. good job fast respon. zidisha is great!
    full thank you for my lenders. wish All the best and Allah bless you and fam's

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  • Riscki Elita Rosihana    Feb 26, 2018

    Ya Allah .... Alhamdulillah ala "kulli hal .... I"m So excited .... Not until 10menit my loan directly fully funded. MasyaAllah .... Thank you very much to the outstanding lender of his heart. Thank you for the trust you gave me. May God provide convenience for all your affairs. God bless you and your family .... With this fund I will soon buy a new laptop so I can finish my master"s thesis as soon as possible. I promise to settle the payment as best as possible because a trust is very expensive. Love you and thank you somuch ....

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