Eunice Atieno
Simotwet Village,londiani-kipkelion Constituency-kericho County,kenya, Kenya
0% repaid
Eunice Atieno
Member since
May 2015
On-time repayments
66 installments • 65%
Eunice Atieno Otieno is my name.A mother of two children,a boy and a girl and a serious,focused business lady in town.
In my free time I like walking,singing,watching soaps movies.
I do tailoring as a business for profit to sustain my family.I use new material fabrics to make new women's cloths as per the order of customers.
I have been in business for five years period. And the business is profitable.
I am kindly requesting from my able lenders here at Zidisha Microlending community to help and raise my business standards of my business.
With the next loan,I will be able to supplement my sewing with an additional of new inner clothings for ladies in particular.
This will make my customers getting almost all of the goods in my shop and I will be able to make good returns.
At now,here in Kenya,things are gradually getting back to normalcy and with this trend going forward,the business is now manageable with most of customers flocking oftenly for goods in my shop.
This will make my daily sales enough for me to be able to service my loan comfortably and on time weekly.
Thank you.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Oct 5, 2020
Repayment status
Projected term
6 months
Other loans
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