Bungoma Netima Village, Kenya
100% repaid
Member since
August 2015
On-time repayments
292 installments • 75%
An upcoming commercial agribusinesses entrepreneur with a passion for the less fortunate in the society.
having registered Lowell investments limited.with a vision of being one of the most sustainable agribusiness in Africa. its mission is to empower and eradicate poverty in the rural areas
Having being brought up in a poor family ,where we struggled to get to school or even a meal in a day.i feel for the vulnerable in the society especially the children and mothers.. hence the project to assist in employment and health.
The last Loan i took improved food production for the cow through use of Hydroponic Feeding.
It increased the level of milk from 4 litres to 6 litres per day which led to the increase of sales hence faster loan repayment.
Covid pandemic came with so many challenges with money disposal in peoples pockets was less.
The cost of raw materials also shoot and cost of labor too hence sales volumes decreased and repayment levels also went down
We thank God the Economy has started picking and now sales are picking up
We produced clean hygienic milk that every member of the society would literally compete for the 6 litres
We as a family the milk improved our diet hence good health to the family
The Next loan i still need to scale up on production of feeds/forage and silage.
Drought is very key challenge hence more food production is required to cater for the dry spell
plus Covid Effects still being felt
Summary on How cash/loan will be used
Repairs of Hydroponic stalls-$50
Buying of barley/wheat/sorghum seeds -$200
Buying of Chemicals- $ 50
Labour-$ 50
Miscellaneous Expenses-$20
Veterinary cost $ 50
Dairy Equipments-$50
Dairy Meal-$-120
The total cost of feeding in this model is adding up to 64%, which agrees with many studies done in Kenya. This % is the sum total of forages 30%, concentrates 30% and minerals 4%. Dairy farmers feed more concentrates to complement forage with low feeding value, such as low quality hay, overgrown and non-fertilised Napier grass and other grasses, maize stovers, low leaf/high stem content lucern hay.The loan will be used to improve the hydroponic feeding stalls this will increase milk production hence increase of Profit from current 16% to 18% after expenses
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jun 27, 2019
Repayment status
Projected term
25 months
Other loans
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mabo Apr 28, 2018
Dickson Apr 28, 2018