Member since
October 2012
On-time repayments
207 installments • 9%
My name is daniel katana kithi,am married with 2 children,sharon aged 5 years and christine aged 3 years all in kindergaten in mtwapa kenya.I live in Malanga in Malindi . I'm a Free lance photo video gragher with an experience of six years.I'm a form three drop out.I initially started this business to earn my living,for I could not be employed in any company as my education standard was low.Therefore decided so as to meet my my need and also to help educating my young brothers and sisters.I do purchase some basic requiremement such as food,water,clothes, and medicine also buy films, memorycards and flashdiscs for my work.
My business is freelance photo and video graphing. in this work involves taking photos/ picture with a camera whereas a capturing videos involves capturing or making coverage of events by using a video camera . i do take/capture events and functions and sale a by-product which is either in pictureform or edited movie such as cds dvds vcds etc. the demand for is business is quite high in that happennings/evens ever occur in our day today life and therefore people need to keep memories and records for future customers do prefer my buiness because of my competence and experience in my work. also the prices given for coverages of events are reasonable and negotiatable. another fact is that iam flexible for i use my motorbike to facilitatae movements. it is profitable in that no mucj expenses incurred or suffer after making the coverage. example a 36 expossure film costs ksh 250 and after processing work which can cost ksh 500 gives 36 to 39 pictures and each sold at ksh 50 can give ksh 1800, therefore makes a good profit. and a new video tape can costs ksh 500 after processing work that is in CD, DVD, VCD can give ksh 8000 and editing work can cost ksh 3,000 then therefore this can make a good profit as well.risks are lack of transport to facilitate movement and funds to repair and buy new cameras. my total monthly income is ksh 30,000 and my total monthly expenditure is ksh 14,000, my profit therefore is ksh 16,000 of which can repay a loan.
The loan will be used to buy a computer, amin-video camera and a printer
A computer will cost me ksh 16000 and the camera will cost me ksh 18000 and aprinter will cost me ksh 6000.Currently my business has some equipments and to the fact that are old or some have not been serviced therefore need to buy anew camera for quality work.Another fact is,need to buy my own computer so that I dont take my video coverages elsewhere for editing.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Nov 21, 2012
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
12 months
Other loans
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