Member since
January 2021
On-time repayments
19 installments • 79%
My name is john norsah. I was born at aflao but currently am in agbozume though am not permanent there. But I have rented at agbozume where if I go on trips I come back to sleep. My parents are at keta and I have five siblings that is four girls and and only me as a boy.
Am a private teacher who organizes workshop on the better way of teaching information communication technology. I have been trained with other colleagues on how to use the appropriate pedagogies or methodologies in teaching computer. So my coordinator signs for the contract then we go to private schools to teach them.
Am a private teacher who organizes workshops for ICT teachers. Am not alone but am part of front line desision makers but am doing well in the business. We teach them how to use new methods to teach ICT since that is becoming a problem for the new teachers. We need money to print certificate and handouts for them at a fee.
When the handout are sold out and when the certificates are sold out we use to make make returns on them. That is what I will use to defray the debt.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Feb 14, 2021
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
2 months
Other loans
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Jason E Feb 1, 2021